EduBlogr - Blogging in E-ducation

Of the millions of blogs out there, probably only a few thousand are specifically devoted to education. This is one of them.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A diller, a dollar...

...a ten-o'clock scholar.
What makes you come so soon?
You used to come at ten o'clock.
Now you come at noon.

I haven't been posting a lot for a couple of reasons. One, I've been focused on my day job, which currently doesn't involve a lot of blogging. Two, I'd like this to become a "really useful" resource, not just a stream-of-conciousness rant. (I have other outlets for those needs.)

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Blogging, ripping, mixing, and authentein

Will Richardson of Weblogg-ed suggests that ripping and mixing is very much like blogging. As students put more and more content online via portfolios, blogs, wikis, etc., it's likely that their content will be reused by others. His take is, so what? Focus on that process and the learning that results. Create collages.

I can go along with that, so long as there's a way to track back to the originator of each component of the collage. The Greek word authentein is the root for author, authority, authoritative, and authentic.

Primary sources are important.

Friday, March 11, 2005

RSS feed for

For your enjoyment and continuing edification - an RSS feed from

One small step

Blogs. Wikis. Furl. RSS. As Captain Jack Aubrey said, "What an age of wonders we live in."

I'm an educator. I work with technology at a mid-sized community college in a mid-sized community in a mid-sized state that's seen its economy undergo radical changes.

The head of the state's board of regents recently told an audience that similarly radical changes were needed in education. "If we don't succeed, we're doomed," he concluded.

I found that encouraging. Unlike most of us in the trenches who've been calling for reform for decades, he's actually in a position to get the ossified academic structure to seriously look at alternatives to counting butt-in-seat time as a measure of learning, to find ways to do things in fundamentally different ways.

The read-write web is a disruptive technology. It's our job as tool-using educators to figure out how to use it to help our students. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step," the saying goes. Let's get our walking shoes on.